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Gordons (SOHC Forums) frame kits coming soon….

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Gordons (SOHC Forums) frame kits coming soon….

1250 posts
He's planning on making another run of 20 of the frame kits that allow you to section your frame and make it removable for working on the head. I put in for one….here's the link, speak up if you are interested too….

Mark Davis
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
amateur photographer, hot rodder, motorcyclist, adventurer
"Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul."
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Re: Gordons (SOHC Forums) frame kits coming soon….

3494 posts
The gordon frame kit is awesome. I would trust that kit to anyone.
If I wasn't saving for another bike, I would get one myself.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!