HELP 1977 750 not running right

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HELP 1977 750 not running right

I have a 1977 750 super sport that wont run with out full choke in the rain. I have went over all the wiring no loose or frayed wires. adjusted the carbs and checked for air leeks. but still dose not like the rain. What do I do? I live in Oregon so it needs to run in the rain HAHA.
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Re: HELP 1977 750 not running right

What's up bud...I'm not nearly as good at diag. Things as a lot of people here, but I bet someone's next questions could be:

Are you running a stock air box or pods...?

Is it immediately when you get rolling in the rain, or after some time..?

Air+ fuel+ spark?...if your wiring is set,(mine ain't !) The water is affecting one of em...

That's my noob idea, but if you look around on here I bet ya find more.
Good luck on it man!
78 cb750k
first bike! adrenaline junkie...
Columbus Ohio
guitars,graffiti and gears!!!