My bet is that is a homemade deal. Looks like you'd just be looking at your knee with the positioning, though. It's neat, but I don't see it actually working.
Those forks are gonna bottom out on the lower yoke before they limit themselves internally ( like they should), which appears to be just enough to keep the front tire from eating the headlight.
That back tire is gonna eat the rear fender. No doubt about it.
Those very narrow clipons are gonna pinch the riders hands against that very wide tank, unless the steering stops have been built to prevent it. In which case, that bike will have the turning radius of a schoolbus.
Someone spent several hundred dollars on M switches, but couldn't remove the old badge mounts on the tank.
A DOHC sitting at that ride height is unusable on any roads that contain bumps.
And I wonder what the heck the deal is with the headlight cozy?

Those internet/magazine hero bikes sure do have some strange features...