Have not be doing much to the build. Screwed up my syacitc nerve a few weeks ago, That is and still is not any fun. Try laying around for most of the day for all most 2 weeks. Sucks

Plus trying to buy a new house and sell my our one, Okay the wife is doing most of the work. lol
New place has a 2 car over sized garage with a 1500 square foot pole barn.

So you know what I will be doing if all goes well in the next 2-3 weeks.
Just thought I would drop in and say Hi to ever one. Tools I see you still are one of the fastest knowledgeable reply on the site. Shinny like the new bike looks good, so does the Rock-It Hoosier Daddy and Easy you make the most random post some times haha I need to start check out some threads a lot of good stuff I have not seen. All but about 2-3 minute a day then my a++ hurts and I need to get up and try to limp to the bed.

But it is all good not to bad now.
fingers crossed I will be finishing my build over the winter in a new garage.
Simple if some one else can, why can't I