Honda CB 750 throttle problems...

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Honda CB 750 throttle problems...

So I took the carbs of my 1980 DOHC CB and cleaned the hell out of them, I even managed to put them back on, sort of.  My throttle is now stuck, albeit it does start a lot better and it no longer chokes right away.  But of course the throttle is stuck.  If anyone has a clue as to what I might have done wrong let me know.  

things I might have screwed up...
I may have mixed the two throtle lines
I might have them on too tight
I may just be mechanically inept...

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Re: Honda CB 750 throttle problems...

cables might be to tight i had the same problemwhen i frist started to tear into my carbs i put them to tight. also check the adjustment screw at the throttle on the bars screw it all the way in