Because you now have a cb750 Honda that you have the right to put down others because of there choice's,Here through out the U.S. we have solders giving there lives that we may have a freedom of that choice,  Thank You.
As a native American I hold to my way of life and not let Medea others negative opinions change who I am.
So he rides U.S.made and I JAp. But half his parts are/were made in Japan(ignorance at it's best).
Many if not most are 1st time riders to the street bike,Attitudes here are hidden behind yo "E" but what when you decide to buy something ,Just a thought ??
I / We are here to keep this Cycle alive and well on the road,many have great PART's and IDEA's to give to thoughs that wont to help do so and have fun in the process.
Being negative does not help nobody but make you look (well you know) The way we/all read it,Not the way it is in that space between those ears of those doing so.
Let's have fun helping others by posting positive ,helpful points,hope this is not received as NEG.
Piute N Judose
S.W. Mo.
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
not quite sure what you are saying, P. I look at it from the other side -- that all the jibes are good clean fun: crotch rocket v cruiser, Japanese v North American, Harleys v real bikes . . . I mean, non-Harleys  do people really take the jibes seriously?
"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you cannot confirm their validity" - Abraham Lincoln
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Winston S. Churchill
Most motorcyclists live more in five minutes than other people do in their entire lives.
when you mix religion with politics you get politics
people say I'm condescending (that means I talk down to people)
I hear ya Piute. It doesn't really matter what kind of bike anybody rides. It's all good. But there is one particular type of "biker " that is well known for slamming any brand other than his. Of course, they don't all do it, but it does bring on retaliation. :)
And I'm speaking from experience. When I got my bike going I asked my uncle if he wanted to riding sometime. He was very excited until he found out I built a Honda. Now he wont ride with me. That's OK. I plan to own a sporty one day and when that day comes I hope he asks to go riding... ill show up on the CB :P
There is a lot of animosity between brand riders. I could not care less. I've encountered so much BS from so many HD'ers... I tend to approach them with caution. In all honesty, I find most HD'ers to be flat out ignorant all they know is the hype, they really know nothing about bike engine designs, or anything outside of their HD culture. Sad, really. I don't waste much time on close-minded folk. I politely walk away. If they're interested in hearing something different than their cultural mantra, we can have an interesting conversation. Otherwise, there isn't much point.
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
I think you are saying I don't care what you ride as long as you are on 2 wheels! That being said I share your frustration about people who think it is there right to knock your choice of size, model, age, style or country of origin. Most of these folks aren't real "bikers" meaning 2 wheel enthusiasts. they are posers that buy into some BS hype or marketing push. There opinions are formed by their friends or some corporate ad and they use that as a substitute for actually knowing anything about bikes.
Keep the rubber side down. ride a 125 or a 2300, a crotch rocket, cruiser or antique.
I think my next bike will be a Ural  Russian copy of the BMW... hey nothing wrong with them from what I know.
1980 CB750C DOHC
It's never too late to start something new!
My best friend owns a Harley. Besides my CB I own a Honda Cruiser as well. We jab at eachother all the time in fun. The best one ever was I was on my way over to his place unannounced. I didn't know it at the time but they were grilling out for dinner and were having trouble deciding what else to make. I pull in the drive just as he comes out the side door. He throws his arms up as if to say "of Course", sticks his head back inside and shouts to his wife, "I got it Honey, I'll make rice"! I missed the story behind this post though. Is someone acting as if they are better because they own a CB? That'd be new.
TOTALLY agree Piute, why can't we all just get along, especially enjoying a sport like we do. Personally i love all motorcycle makes and models, if it has 2 wheels i'll ride it.
1980 CB750F Super Sport
1982 CB900 Custom
1982 XV750 Virago
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Some incident while out riding?
I know this type of rider too. You can usually tell it just by their face. Many wear this arrogant superior face and worship X brand of bike. I think it is just more commonly associated with harley.
Case in point, I have a friend try to join a group. So, instead of finding a decent running bike, he gets an old iron head, late 70s. Then gets the exact leather vest. Wears a particular bandana a certain way. A complete sheep when it comes to something many like to associate with freedom.
Even with help, he can't rebuild his 1 simple carb. He has broken something like 3 clutch cables, and STILL will not lube them when he puts them on, even after I told him he needs to. Among having other issues. Yet can't take even a simple little jab about HD because he isn't supposed to cause his little biker group says so.
Now in this case, the ignorance is on HD but go onto some sportbike forums, well not so much the forums but the actual groups in some areas. Oh they can tell you exactly how to pop a wheelie but can't teach you jack about checking a fuse. And of course, they ride select bikes.
I like to rib riders of any bike really, brand just makes it easier sometimes! It is all in good fun!
Bikes are supposed to be fun. Supposed to allow you to get away from everyday issues. They are not meant to be taken so damn seriously! And even in a group, you should be able to be yourself.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
It isn't just bikes. People find a brand they like and sometimes end up swearing by it. My buddy with the Softail has only owned two harleys in his life. The only two bikes he's ever owned I may add. No matter how many issues he has he swears by the harley name and pokes fun at my metric bikes. It's ok. I never have issues with mine that I don't bring on myself. He also had an old POS dodge dakota that I was repairing all the time. I went out and bought a new Silverado last year. A month later, he went out and bought a new Ram. Now he pokes fun of my Chevy. Just because you like it doesn't mean it's better but, some people are just like that. I've never owned a Harley and never plan to, except MAYBE a Night train. Only because I have so many friends who own them and are constantly having to take them in for petty issues. What can you do?
I personally don't care what kind of bike you ride as long as you ride. I do like poking fun at HD riders (as my tagline shows) but I still jump at the chance to ride with my friends regardless of MFR. I did find it entertaining one time when I was riding across the state on my Virago. I passed a group of Harley riders. The guy at the end of the line gave me a nod and a wave, as did the next couple of riders. Got to about the middle of the pack and this one guy looks over, frowns at my bike and gives me the finger. I just lauph at the guy and go on. Well a few exits down I stop for some gas and a drink. Well the whole pack happens to pull in as I'm sitting there. The trail rider gets off his bike walks up to the guy to give me the finger and says "why you got to be such an asshole?" Then the rast of the group walks over to me and we look at each others bikes and talked for a while. I ended up riding out with them for 50 or so miles (by their invite) until I turned off onto a different highway. I've been on bikes since I was big enough to sit on my dads lap on his old BSA and this is how I feel a true rider should act.
It's only illegal if you get caught.
If at first you don't succeed, use more lighter fluid
95% of Harley Davidsons ever made are still on the road... The other 5% made it home.
New Baltimore, Va '82 CB900c, 1980 CB985F/K 'Mutt"
I've noticed in my area that HD riders wont drop their hand by riding by at anything other than that brand. Why?? I dont know.
I agree that SOME HD riders don't wave except to other HDs. That being said most people do. If I go out for a 3 hr ride 97 out of a hundred will wave. the ones that don' are either hard core super bike riders, Wine and cheese tourers (cough,bmw,cough), and some HD riders (generaly no helmet, bandana, a few appropriatly places chains, and a gay-ass [not that that's necessarily a bad thing] HD Muscle T... you get the picture).
I even wave to scooters. 2 wheels is 2 wheels. it has to have a motor.
1980 CB750C DOHC
It's never too late to start something new!
I have to respectfully disagree, Ghost-Flame... I have the utmost respect for bicyclists I pass, who are equipped with saddlebags, and gear. They make their horsepower the old-fashioned way -- by burning energy bars, not gasoline! I only wish I could have done that when I was younger. I love motorcycle touring (it's what my wife and I enjoy the most, dreaming, plotting, and planning, all through the off-season), but they do a better job of it by pedaling, than I ever will twisting a throttle. They have a much closer connection with the scenery, flora and fauna, than I ever could on my loud, fume-spewing, machine. I genuinely admire those folks. YMMV. Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
While we re on the subject of waiving, tell me if anyone else is as stupid as I am. I have done this 3 or 4 times. I go for a nice long ride, get in my truck, maybe to go get my daughter from the sitter's, and wave at the first bike that I pass.
Yeah...Me too. HAhahahhahha Gulty as charged.
On a Roadstar Adventure.
I wave at every other MCist, unless it's not safe for me to take my left hand off of the bar.
I do this because I support their MC riding. If I get a wave back, then they support me. If not, I don't sweat it.
I just remember when I got my CB running 3 years ago, and within about 10 miles of riding, I got several waves from other riders. It was very surprising to be welcomed into a fraternity that quickly.
Life is too short to worry about whether someone else approves of your riding.
Luke M
Used to have a 1979 CB750L, sold it as a parts bike, now riding a slightly modified 1984 VT700C. Network/Field Engineer. Central OH, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe.
dave Esch wrote
While we re on the subject of waiving, tell me if anyone else is as stupid as I am. I have done this 3 or 4 times. I go for a nice long ride, get in my truck, maybe to go get my daughter from the sitter's, and wave at the first bike that I pass.
Me too I did it today! LOL
1980 CB750C DOHC
It's never too late to start something new!
Funny waving,See the same 4 bikes coming twards me everyday (almost)
I waved at all even the bagged down H.D. guy,(but didn't wave back)the 1st time now he waves and I don't,  am I wrong for it  "O" the scooter guy never waves and I'm glad cause if I was him I'd hang on for  DEAR-LIFE  doing 40-45 in a 60.
Whats also funny  People always wave at me ,(thinking I'm waving at them but signaling for turn, 
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
It's kinda hard to wave with clubmans sometimes since you are leaning on the bars and all. I usually just raise a couple fingers when people wave. I hope they see it and dont think im not waving back. Waving is not really a big deal around here as far as MCist or not. We all wave anyway. Every car,truck,bike.... everybody waves around here. Except the cops.
I always wave to the cops, I just keep forgetting to raise my other 4 fingers when I do it.
It's only illegal if you get caught.
If at first you don't succeed, use more lighter fluid
95% of Harley Davidsons ever made are still on the road... The other 5% made it home.
New Baltimore, Va '82 CB900c, 1980 CB985F/K 'Mutt"