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How do I tell what year these carbs are!?

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How do I tell what year these carbs are!?

193 posts
Okay guys, I am wanting to put some GSXR carbs on my bike and know a guy selling some but he doesn't know what year these are. He sent me some pictures but I don't know if I can tell what year these are off of. I know to be able to put it on a cb750 I need some year preferably in the 80's gsxr, because I think in the 90's they added some electronic sensor on their 90's models that wouldn't work with the cb's. Let me know what else I would need to figure out what year these carbs are. Thanks!

1980 cb750k
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Re: How do I tell what year these carbs are!?

3494 posts
There will be a model number cast into the side of the carbs. With that number, you can narrow down the years the carbs were produced. You probably can't get down to the exact year, but you shouldn't really need to. You should be able to also get all dimensions.
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Re: How do I tell what year these carbs are!?

10054 posts
Hey, Surfish, I got your email. Sorry for the slow reply. You asked about a thread, here ya go. Also, those look like the exact carbs on my bike. I forget the info ( i forget everything) but it should be in this thread towards the end. I don't think there's much info in there about the rim swap, but holler if you have any questions. I'm outta hibernation and back inthe game, so I'll actually reply in a timely manner now. lol.  Good luck with your bike, brosef.
