How important is the air filter restriction on the carbs?

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How important is the air filter restriction on the carbs?

I'm working on a 1977 CB750A and the air filter box is missing so I ordered some POD cone type air filters that seem to have little to no air restriction at all. I literally had to tape off 80% of the surface area of the air filter surface area to create enough vacuum so it would pull fuel, and run. I can get it to start quite easily when choked with no problem, and it idles perfectly, but when I throttle her up to around half throttle it dies out like its starving for fuel. I checked each bowl and the floats are doing their job. Filling up nicely, and shutting off, no leaks. Upper and lower jets have been meticulously cleaned and are flowing fine. Pilot screws are at the factory setting of 1 turn out. I can't seem to find the sweet spot on the air restriction so it winds out without dieing.

Any thoughts?

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Re: How important is the air filter restriction on the carbs?

You'll need to rejet your carbs.
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Re: How important is the air filter restriction on the carbs?

Well he may not need to rejet but he will certainly need to retune. I am not too familiar with the A carbs as they are smaller than the k and f carbs but on the 78 k, rarely does a person need to rejet just from pods.
Usually adjusting the fuel screw takes care of it. That is on of the beauties of the 77/78 pumper carbs.
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