Ignition Timing

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Ignition Timing

I'm having trouble getting the ignition timing set on my 1975 CB750K. I put new points in, new condensors, new spark plugs. I used a dwell meter to set the points so I'm pretty sure they are correct. But When I try to timing the ignition I can't rotate the points plate enough to get the 1 - 4 bank tuned in. The 2 -3 bank seem to be OK.

Where do I go  from here?

I'm trying to get the timing set then I'll move on to sync the carbs which I rebuilt over the winter. Any ideas what would make the bike race? It starts fine, a little back fire becaise of the timing I think, after it's warmed up and I close the choke the bike goes from a decvent idle and just starts racing, a couple quick twists of the throttle seem to set it back down...is it possible a choke plate is opening on it's own? Sounds like a sticking choke...any thoughts?
