Instrument panel LED bulb replacement help please.

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Instrument panel LED bulb replacement help please.

I've got a 1980 CB750K and I want to swap out the instrument lights for LEDs. My tach/speedometer lights are dim. Can anyone tell me exactly which ones to get for maximum brightness on the dials? I have searched and haven't come up with anything concrete. Took a shot in the dark on some BA9S LEDs and they fit in the placement, but don't illuminate. Who here has done a successful swap for LEDs?
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Re: Instrument panel LED bulb replacement help please.

Ok. I got some LEDs from and they work great! Drop in fit, no modding of the openings or anything. The indicator lights (Oil, Neutral, High Beam, Turn) I got are too bright now though and I'm ordering some with less powerful output for them. The tach speedometer lights however are perfect!

Here are the ones I got for the speedometer, odometer, and tachometer:
You need 5 of these. 2 in each gauge, and 1 in the odometer chamber. Cool White, 90 degree, 12v.

The other lights are the same type 4 LED bulbs, but they are colored to match the application (Oil=red, Neutral=green, etc) also I got them with 32 degree angle output. Blindingly bright! Ouch!

And here they are shining on the ceiling of my garage!