I have a 1979 Honda cb750F I just got the crabs rebuilt, got them put back on, and all connected, the bike fired right up up sounded great, all i had to do was adjust the idle. Took it out for a spin road great, sounded great life was good......
Two days later i went to start it and nothing, the only way i could get it started was with the throttle pulled wide open, but as soon as i let it go it died, did not matter if it was full choke or no choke either. I checked to see if i flooded it some how took all the plugs out no gas, while i had them out tested compression 120 on all four cylinders. The i checked spark. 1 and 4 had great constant spark. 2&3 not so much. I got a spark on them when i hit the starter but nothing after that initial spark. any thoughts on were i should go from here, my next best guess is check the coils.
1979 Honda cb750 F