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4 posts
I have been to several nighthawk web sites trying to find out every little thing i can do to my 1992 750 nighthawk to get more power out of it. I have done the carb washer mod, the exhaust mod with 4- 3/8" holes in the baffle. I just added the high rated spark plugs and pod filters. I have found a gas station in town that sells eathonal free gas. I am getting a lag right now when i pull hard on the throttle. other then jet kits is there anything i can do. I know that there i a fuel mixture screw on the bottom of the carb but i was told that is only for adjusting the idle richness. Help would be great.
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Re: Jetkit

3494 posts
that is most likely what you will have to adjust. It is for idle mix but it is set for the stock setup. You make changes, especially to intake, and you have to tune it. A common misconception on carbs is that the idle mix is only low speed but that is wrong. On most bikes, the idle mix is a factor to half throttle, sometimes more.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: Jetkit

4 posts
I havelooked on the bttom of the carbs and three of the four have the adjustment screw and carb number one does not. is this normal. i have heard about drilling out the tamper proof cap and setting that way. but why would three have this and not the other?
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Re: Jetkit

4 posts
also are these srews the same as nuts, right tighty less gas or righty tighty more gas?
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Re: Jetkit

3494 posts
Well al the carbs will have the adjustments, the one probably still has its plug.

As for the mix, I do not know the 80s carbs but on my 78, the mix screw is on the airbox side. Turning it OUT makes the mix richer and IN makes it leaner. If your screw is on the airbox side, then it probably works the same. If it is on the engine side, it would probably be opposite. Remember, I am not sure but it makes sense.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: Jetkit

4 posts
mine is on the engine side of the carb. i find it odd that the first carb does not have the plug taken out. It looks like the other three have a different screw like it was done profesionaly. I will have to mess with it to find out which way does what. On a different note i am exicted, i just ordered new flush mount blikers for the rear of my bike. they will be in next wednesday. these will clean up the rean of my bike a lot. Alos one of my front blinkers is busted so i can use one of the rears to replace it. Thank you very much for your help.