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Master cylinder testing

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Master cylinder testing

16 posts
Hi all,

I have the master cylinder off my `82 cb750k right now, for cleaning and rebuilding.  It's all cleaned and rebuild now, so my question is this: is there an easy way to test it and make sure it works before I put it back on the bike?  I figured that if I pump the piston by hand, it should draw fluid from the reservoir down into the cylinder, and fluid should eventually come out the hole that normally connects to the brake line.  I did that, though, and nothing came out.  Any thoughts?  
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Re: Master cylinder testing

16 posts
Or I guess this might be simpler; fluid drains easily from the reservoir into the cylinder when the piston is removed.  Should it still drain when the piston is in the cylinder?
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Re: Master cylinder testing

279 posts
I guess I would put fluid in it, and see if it leaks.  But then again the amount of time it took me to type this you could of mounted it and bled it  and then you would know if its good or not.

@FastCletus552 aka Jimmy C, buildin' rides out of Napa CA
Current Build 1980 CB 750 F
Finished Build 1975 CB 500T Cafe Racer - SOLD
2002 Ducati 998 Biposto
2005 Rossi #46 Scooter
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Re: Master cylinder testing

16 posts
When I put the piston in, no fluid drains from the reservoir into the cylinder.  I'd hook it up and try to bleed it, but would anything happen if no fluid is getting into the cylinder?
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Re: Master cylinder testing

67 posts
In reply to this post by samgrylls
fill mastercylinder and when you pump it, hold your finger over the line.  it will draw the fluid into the chamber. be carefull it dont squirt you in the eye.  burns like hell