Here's some breif history of this bike. My wife's cousin had it, drove it a but, dumped it a few times, and was too scared to ride it again. He sold it to my father-in-law for a few hundred bucks, even though it never did run right(according to my father-in-law.) Dear ole' dad proomptly parked it in his garage and did some cleanup work on it (replaced most of the broken parts/turn signal/mirrr from dumping it) but never really fixed it. He replaced the carbs with ones from a cb900 (which I have since removed) and mentioned he was going to sell it soon. I said, how much were you gonna sell it for? He said, well, 200$, but for you, I'll just give it to you: So here it is.

and here is me riding it. is a list of KNOWN things wrong I have to fix yet, just to get it inspected:
1: Need new rear tire. New front one probably wouldn't hurt either.
2: original carbs need cleaned/reinstalled - DONE
3: A valve cover bolt-hole (in the camshaft bearing) is stripped. I am currently filling it with JB weld, and will drill/re-tap tomorrow
4: Rear left tail light works as turn signal, but not as running light (brake light and right turnsignal works fine) There is electrical tape on a solder joint, that's probably were the problem is.
5: Paint job is crap. Many dents, dings, scratches. Will need painted if I like the bike and want to keep it for a while, but not to bad looking considering its a year younger than me, and was treated twice as bad!
6: My father-in-law had the engine compression tested by a bike shop, and all cyliders were very high, so engine should be rock solid.
7: I did take it for a quick spin. Likes to stall when the clutch is pulled and the engine returns to idle speed, although it still had 900 carbs on it then. I will get the carbs idle/synch adjusted just for the hell of it when its inspected.
8. NEED A NEW SEAT!!! Alternator cover also has a rather large gouge worn through it, have to replace before the alternator craps out from exposure.
Any thing else I should look out for?
So, whadya all think? Not to bad for a learner bike, huh? I recently finished my safety course and now have my license, cant wait to hit the road!