I think those look great. Its all about personal preference. That said, don't go LED unless you're prepared to do extra work - probably need a new flasher etc. Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
Date: Fri, 25 May 2012 04:48:21 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: My first bike, a 1979 CB750L
Moved into the new, got the garage, ready to get to work. So I wanted to get new turn signals in the front and back because the ones I have are pretty lose and dont match. I found some online I really like but are not at all like the origonal. I went to a store to look at them and the guy there said he thought it would be a mistake not use origonal looking ones. Now I am not trying to make it look like it did brand new... but also I dont want it to look stupid. Seeing as how I am new to this I was hoping to get your opinions. 
1979 cb750L
1981 CB750K with 900 cams
90K KM's, rebuilt head, rebuilt carbs, upgraded valve stem seals
My wife's recipe website that I'm trying to help promote: Strawberries for supper. Yes, I am a lucky man.
I have the factory front turn signals on my bike, which I may change out this summer. Something roughly the same size, just not as factory looking. Running lights + turn signals, not just turn signals.
The rear turn signals are the stainless bullet style that came on it when I got it 2 Januarys ago. They are the 2 wire variety, which means they are turn signals only.
I'm a firm believer in being seen, so the bigger the better in my opinion. I would tell you to do what you think looks and works best for you and your bike. We all know about opinions...  Luke M
Used to have a 1979 CB750L, sold it as a parts bike, now riding a slightly modified 1984 VT700C. Network/Field Engineer. Central OH, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe.
Couldn't find the cord for my camera, installed the new gauges, really like them, also rewired everything with new wires while i was at it, I think i ran the battery out while doing all of this. Ordered a gel battery last week, that and the tail lights should get here tomorrow! Can't wait, also the foot pegs were all mix-matched but I found 3 more like this on ebay so they should be here soon as well  
1979 cb750L
So I was pretty much finished working on the bike and I was going to get coffee one morning when a lady in an Excursion merged with out looking and nocked me right on my ass. Was going around 55 mph, me and the bike slid for a god while until the asphalt got a good hold of me and pulled me off at which point I rolled another 30 yards. I was wearing a riding jacket, boots, jeans, and most importantly helmet. This is a testament to how important PPE (personal protective equipment not sure if that is a biker term or an air force one) Tore my jacket/boots/ and jeans to pieces but I didn't break anything or get a concussion. Did turn into a walking bruise though but that is fine by me if that is the worst. Before I thought wrecking like this would scare me off biking but it has done the exact opposite, it has reenforced my trust in my gear and bike. My crash bars didn't break and neither did my helmet (although I did by a new one) So just to remind everyone, please remember to wear ALL your gear..and tuck an roll.
1979 cb750L
So here are some pictures of the damage and the fixins I did.
1979 cb750L
1979 cb750L
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also broke everything on the right side of the handle bars/ well really everything on the right side of the bike. forgot to take pictures of the rest of the damage, couldn't find foot pegs anywhere that would fit
1979 cb750L
How did you get that dent worked out on the tank? Did you push from the inside?
Your bikes coming along nicely  I haven't seen bars like those before.They look like a three piece welded clubman type thingy? Where'd you find those?
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 I made this out of steel gap straps, it's a little long/ am going to cut it off after the 2nd bolt
1979 cb750L
This post was updated on .
   Used Dupli-color paint, it's user friendly and good for a low budget, just plan on being careful when I fill up
1979 cb750L
Yeah they were clubmans, got them off dime city cycles web site. I got the tank fixed at a garage called Devious Designs off of russell road here in vegas. Was $200 to fix, was going to be 300 but he said if I stripped the paint he'd nock off a 100, bought the aircraft stripper at sherman williams, $40 for a gallon, worked awesome though, left it on 25 minutes and the paint pretty much just fell off. The guys at devious designs said they used dry ice but also found a bunch of weld pieces left inside the tank which were a pain to get out. Fixing the tank was well beyond my ability and they were the only garage I could find that did motorcycle body work
1979 cb750L
Ordered another pair of the bars for $39, I loved them, bought a standard set of handlebars to use for now but I can't stand them, I just really like how the U shaped clubmans let me get low on the bike
1979 cb750L
   So here is the base coat, final color coat and final clear coat,,, or so I thought. FYSA I did 3 layers of base coat using the dupli color scratch filler, sanded after each coat with 600 grit, 3 light coats of the color again sanding with 600 grit then a final heavier coat of color then sanded that with 800 grit, put my decal on, figured I would go with a "Robin" them since I like red and batman and robin, also my license plate says Robin but that is because it is my moms name and if she ever finds out about it she will kill me so I thought it'd be a funny homage to her. Anyway after the decal I did 3 light coats of clear coat sanding with 800 after each one then a heavier coat finally sanding with 1200 grit..... Seeing as how I like to abide by murphy's law my house mate accidentally dropped a book case on it as it was drying and dented the top of the tank!!!! So I used the 800 grit to sand off the clear, painted a green stripe to hide the dent, then re did the clear coat
1979 cb750L
  So, I have some explaining to do, I ordered the mirrors off the Dime City Cycle website, it says 7 inchs very clearly but I thought that meant total, like stem and mirror combined, so ordered new mirrors because these are so big the block my line of sight and even as big as they are I can't get them positioned to where they will do a damn of good. Next the bars, smh, I thought buying bars would be easy, the ones pictured are the third one I tried so finally I ordered the same ones I had, if you like something don't feel like you have to change it, I was trying to change things up but oh well. The Throttle assembly. Holy crap that was a night mare! First one I bought said it was only a quarter turn instead of a half so I figured great go faster faster. The little hole to screw the cables in were way to small so I adapted my cables only to find that the cables were way to long. A friend of mine keeps saying that the quarter turn ones are only for dirt bikes but the description on the packaging says CB 750 79-82. Anyway bought an OEM reproduction and it works fine, however, at first it wasn't releasing very fast (didnt snap back) then I figured out I had tightened it to much. Bought a new ignition switch but it's connector was a female and the bikes connector is a female, so I spliced the new ignition wires into the old ignitions male connector (had to loop the headlight wire) but now it works great. Also feel like these bars dont allow me to situation the controls very well. The brake control was actually easy to install which surprised, bleeding the line was pretty easy as well however now my front brake doesn't grab as much as it used to, will have to look into that.
1979 cb750L
What a roller coaster of events!!!
81 Honda CB750C - Current Project
67 BSA Spitfire MkIII - Next Up (Full Resto)
81 Honda GL1100 - Bob / CafeĀ“
80 Suzuki GS750L - Bratstyle
72 Honda CB450K5 - Basket Case
73 Honda CB350F Cafe' (Gone but not forgotten)
Don't wait for opportunity to knock... kick the door down and drag the old harlot in!
My thoughts,too,Hoosier. Wow,glad you got it all sorted out in the end. I like the "R" on the tank. IIRC that is the "R" from Robin?Like,Batman and Robin? Very cool
My how things change...
81 Honda CB750C - Current Project
67 BSA Spitfire MkIII - Next Up (Full Resto)
81 Honda GL1100 - Bob / CafeĀ“
80 Suzuki GS750L - Bratstyle
72 Honda CB450K5 - Basket Case
73 Honda CB350F Cafe' (Gone but not forgotten)
Don't wait for opportunity to knock... kick the door down and drag the old harlot in!
Hi JMC1131, I ordered the same gauges as you and wired everything but the Neutral light doesn't work. I'm wondering if you had any issues with yours?