Like many of the people that I've seen post on here i got my first bike/first cb750c and i have A LOT of questions that i'm hoping will be answered over time/as i find more.
May i add from what I've read already searching for answers you all seem like a bunch of nice people and I'm glad i found a nice cb community :)
First things first I'm a 23yo heavy duty mechanic apprentice that hasn't ever been to school due to bullshit-ery from my company (not the point of topic) but i have about 3 years mechanical exp (all large locomotive diesel engines) and lack a lot of terminology/part names. (thank god for pictures!)
That being said i am really excited to (learn to) ride my bike and work on it myself. Like the title says i/my wife (600 bucks for my bike as 2 year anniversary wife ever!) bought a 1980 CB750c which seems if very decent condition here's the good and the bad (according to previous owner)
Forks just serviced with new fork seals (i cant see any leaks and forks in my no experience feel smooth)
New last season gel battery (I'm from Canada winters a bitch)
New last season tires (my buddy agrees they look brand new hes been riding a few years hes the one who rode it home for me)
Engine redone last season
Tank looks like there's no rust in it at all!
New seat
new sprockets and chain
my buddy says that when he was riding it it feels real nice sounds good has great power no strange vibration good braking
oil just changed (its actually still golden)
Engine redone (even though its running i just hope who ever did it knew what they were doing!)
previous owner says carbs need to be tuned (engine redone but carbs not synced...?)
Engine either idles at 3k or dies at 1k (choke not engaged)
Right side panel missing (minor ill find one)
oil leak was a mystery but found out its coming from engine sprocket
1 exaust seal clamp(?) was missing a nut but i put one on and snuged it evenly (not to tight dont know torque value if any)
float overfow nipples missing all hoses
crankcase blow by box (under battery housing) is just sitting there with no hose/plug
air filter houseing has a nipple at bottom that looks like it should have a hose (to blow by box?)
The reason I think the carbs need to be tuned is i saw fuel coming out of one of the floats when the bike was sitting turned off and on the side kickstand it was the one furthest from the kickstand (brakeside/right hand side .....#4 carb?) no big deal ill do the carbs my self I'm pretty sure i can tackle cleaning them syncing them i herd is a little more tricky
Oil leak.... its to my understanding the there is supposed to be a little bit of oil that comes out of the engine sprocket to lubricate the chain as you ride my buddy and i checked the dipstick with the bike dead and warm at a standing position and there was no oil on dipstick but oil is showing full when bike is on side kickstand) i downloaded the manual from the site and I'm trying to tackle all the maintenance myself but I'm dying to ride it (rode once only in first gear lol) but before i do i want to make sure me just jumping on it and riding isn't going to be causing me more problems from ignoring small preventive maintenance.
anyways been kinda wraped up in tinkering with my bike and need to spend more time with my awesome wife that got me it in the first place thanks in advance for any help you guys give me :)
p.s if i cant describe the part ill post pics with arrows and ill post pics of the bike in general for your viewing pleasure ;)
1980 CB750c
Manual downloaded