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New! How does this one look?

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New! How does this one look?

1 post
Hello! I ride a Vulcan but I'm falling more and more in love with UJM's particularly the CB750 series. I try to tell myself I don't need one, but the more I try not to get one the worse it gets .

Here's a nearby one I was looking at. Seems to be in decent shape, the owner has fork seals but hasn't installed them (how tough / time consuming is this job)? I've done valve clearance adjustments and brakes etc, so I have basic mechanical skills and tools but nothing to write home about.

Anything that stands out as a red flag? Is the price realistic or high?

Thanks so much for your time and hopefully once I acquire my dream bike I can contribute to the forum instead of just asking for help!

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Re: New! How does this one look?

10054 posts

That's a real nice looking bike there. I don't know about your area,but where I am (Virginia) that would be about a $2200 bike. Only because it appears to have a rattle can paint job. If it had/has proper paint it would easily be a $3,000 bike.

Fork seals are easy to do and don't require any special tools. You can have them changed out in an hour or two if you've never done them before. Not a bad job at all.

I don't see any redflags myself. The ad claims all original,but that exhaust is aftermarket. No big deal,it's probably better than what came on the bike anyway. The tires look to be a pretty old style of tread pattern. Look up how to read date codes and tires and make sure they are not real old tires. Any tires over about 4 or 5 years old you really probably shouldn't be riding on them,so consider that when you are haggling over price.

Overall, I think its a great looking bike. I'd like to have it myself Good luck with it!
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Re: New! How does this one look?

600 posts

Sweet looking ride. Anything over 3 grand should be.

I'd ride that thing pretty much just as it is.