HI All.
I signed up to this forum because i decided to start wrenching again. It used to be a hobby in my younger days but i didn't have time for it but now i'm back at it.
I am from south africa, hopefully it won't be a issue to identify the bike.
The bike i chose was probably not the best choice because of the condition it's in but i'm going to do my best to revive it but first i need to identify it. The pic is from before i started stripping it and as you can see it needs alot of love and parts.
Would anybody be able to id the year model by the VIN number and or engine number?
Honda XL185

VIN: MD065002310
Engine: L185SE-5026101
I just stripped the bike today so now my first order of business is to get the correct service manual so i can start looking for parts.