I've got to the end of my rope here and Lord knows that is very hard to do,was told that my new accelerator wasn't working and that there was something bent when was 1st apart,I have a very bad memory why I can't do alot of normal things(what some call normal) . Carbs are off there coming completely apart ,every peace ,
Not sure why?
But just checking ever thing again,and taking pictures so I can remember ,If theres something ?
The Engine starts and runs will keep running to warm up or even hot if needed.
Any advice on what to check or just to remind me over N over,I'm ready to take it to the shop ,witch is 50 miles away,
But there is nothing any-one can do that I can't do if told how,or could read how,there just is not no info on 1977 CB 750 F in detail this clymer manuel may as well be for a Harley cause most the stuff in here don't apply and picture's maybe a dozen that actually help on mine.
I can't read this just once and then go in shop and apply,I have to write it down to remember,and have no lap top,or copy machine. Been watching U-tubes all morning ,read as much as "I" found last night on the subject of ..."keytop carbs install / accelerators / tune ups / till 3am...
Just got through doing nothing waiting on part and now going to take most the day to re-do (nothing)?

That all felt good...good day........
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,