Plastic float adjustment?

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Plastic float adjustment?

Cleaned up a set of carbs for an '80 cb750k I inherited and put them on and got it started but it's pretty eratic. I noticed the floats were at different levels but did'nt see any way of adjusting them since they were all plastic(no metal tab), Going to give it a try though.

Any tips on bending the plastic to adjust?

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Re: Plastic float adjustment?

Don't do it. They aren't ajustable as you thought. Before tossing in the towel that the floats aren' set right try balancing the carbs. Most likely that is the reason they are eratic. Oh and just to check do you have the airbox on and everything tightened down. Make sure the intake boot clamps are snug I like to spray a little carb cleaner by them to check if there are vacum leaks. If there is your idle will change noticable wherever you do. Good luck.