Clutches slip for 3 reasons, 4 in your case. The cable can be too tight causing a clutch to not fully engage. I have seen this personally. Which is why I suggest checking the cable. If the cable will not allow the clutch to fully engage, it will slip. I had a too tight cable on my fz when I got it and it made shifts very jerky till I adjusted it. Being a new clutch, it didn't slip, but it was worn some it probably would have.
Springs, if they are broken or have lost their weight, the plates will slip. Talked to many with this issue. Your springs have a service limit and once they are out of that, they need to be replaced. Most people prefer Honda springs. Barnett springs tend to be very heavy.
When you check the plates, you must check the fiber and steel plates. If any are close to out of service limits, just replace them all. Honda plates are best, or barnett plates. They are more, but the cheaper plates are just not as good. remember to soak them in oil overnight before installing and make sure the stamp patterns all go the same direction. You know how when things are stamped out of metal, there is an edge to it, this is what I am talking about.
A final note about oil. Virtually ALL oil has some sort of friction modifier in it. Very few do not have modifiers. What matter is how much and what it is. It is almost impossible to get away from this. However, it is not as hard as a person thinks it is.
Our bikes use 10-40, virtually any 10-40 will be safe as this weight and up of oil does not have the high levels that 10-30 and lower has. Another way to check is to look at the back and there will be a circle and if the oil has high modifiers, it will say energy conserving. If it does not, you are fine. Diesel oils are also fine and every bit as robust as any motorcycle oil. I seriously doubt a motorcycle tranny is a more harsh environment than a long haul semi diesel. So, choosing a safe oil is very easy. Choosing a GOOD oil is harder. That ends up being trial and error.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!