This is my 1972 CB 750. I got at a garage sale for a few hundred dollars. It was mostly complete, but had 65,000 miles on the clock and had not been started for 20 odd years. The bike had been turned into a chopper with ape handle bars and forward feet pegs.
No resto is ever complete, but this is the first trip out of the garage at an 80% stage. Now down to things like the seat, chrome shinning etc. My aim was to build an old school bike that would be relaible and comfortable as a daily commuter. Maintining original integrity is not my objective.

Ive not had the engine out. It has low compression, but works just fine. Speed is not my aim, though it fairs quite well at the traffic lights. One day Ill re-build the head. Ive put header tape on the pipes, just to cover up the rust and dents, and cause I think it looks good. Most of the electrics are new/replacement including a starter motor.
The front forks have been some work. I discovered that the inner springs are different lengths and diameters and therefore there is considerable 'feel' in the handlebars. Im still looking for a good set of used forks. Id also like to put a dual front disc on, as stopping is something that requires anticipation.
I started this project with no mechanical knowledge or tools and with the assistance of a manual, these web pages and a neighbour with some knowledge and time, Ive got it on the road.