Okay, update time. It's taken me a little over a week (about a half our a day) to get the original 750 carbs cleaned out. Everything looked pretty good, with the exception of one of the idle needles (cant quite remember the proper name, but its the one that you turn until it lightly seats, then back out 1 1/2 turns) is slightly nicked up, like its been graduated. I did notice a few other problems with them.
1: The acceleration pump is not functioning. on the 900 carbs, when you move the throttle by hand (i mean, the linkage with the carbs taken off the bike) you can see a little bit of fuel being squirted out of little brass nozzles near where the choke plates are. Not so on the 750 carbs. The pump "plunger" is being moved by the throttle in the same manner as on the 950 carbs, and I tried spraying carb cleaner/compressed air into the holes, and I was able to get carb cleaner to squirt out those nozzles, so I know they are not blocked/clogged. There is a little rubber "boot" that covers the long metal bar on the plunger that is torn, maybe it needs that to vacuum to create suction? The 900 carbs do not have this boot, but merely a little o-ring were the plunger passes through the carb body.
2: Also, the choke plates do not close fully. You can move them freely by hand, so they're not stuck, but if you move the cable linkage, it only closes about 75% of the way, im thinking maybe a weak spring, as I couldnt see any other way it is actuated?
3: The needles in the 750 carbs are slightly loose, even when I ensured the needle set screw was fully tightened. on the 900 carbs, once the needle set screw was tightened, they wouldn't budge. So, either the 750 needles are worn out, or its just a design difference?
So, the bike is now carbless. I'm pretty pissed, considering that the original 750 carbs are now clean as a whistle, and just as useless, as the bike wont even start with them on. Some people on the cb1100f boards said that they use 900 carbs on their 750's all the time. I was wondering if I could remove the jets from the 750 carbs, put them on the 900 carbs, if that would prevent them from running too lean? I [i]reallllllyyyyy[/i] want to get this bike running right in the worst sort of way. What do you guys think about it?
BTW: Here is the beast in question:

Doesn't look like much, but it was FREE!!!