Just changing the mainjet isn't going to do it.
ALSO- IF you have pods there is almost no difference between pods and stacks.
Check this out... Pick up one of your pods and suck on it. See no resistance at all.
Just like velocity stacks.
You did not say what the stock mainjet was and what you increased it to.
First you will need to increase the idle jet size from stock. Just go up one size.
Meaning if it is a #35 then go to #40. 0 up to 1/4 throttle is controlled by idle jet and mixture screw.
Adjust the mixture screw. After it is warmed up just turn the mixture screw on each carb until the idle goes up and back it off 1/8 turn. BTW...since you will increase the idle jet size one step, then set the mixture screw to the minimum amount (specified in the manual).
SECOND... You will need to raise the needle in the slide to richen the mid range
by lowering the clip on the needle ONE notch from stock. 1/4 up to 3/4 throttle.
One notch will be just right.
THIRD....Mainjet is for wide open throttle in high gear which you would mostly
be using on the freeway.
In high gear it should just keep accelerating. If it seems to hit a flat spot then
increase the mainjet size.
Since you have already increased the mainjet size I would just work on idle and needle now.
If you quickly open the throttle and it coughs or stalls it is still too lean.
On a Roadstar Adventure.