RR Testing Help

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RR Testing Help

Hello all,

Forum has been great, helped me greatly with my new(to me) '79 k.

I have an issue with charging, I am barely getting a charge to the batt and have been trying to pin-point the issue.

Thanks to the forum I have done a fare enough of reading about testing out each component.
But I am a little confused on the RR.

Stator tested good, brushes are a good length.

According to the manual resistence in the normal direction for either green or red/white with any yellow should be 5-40ohms.
- red/white test was good.
- green test got nothing.

If I did the reverse direction test should be 2000ohms min.
- red/white test was at about 500.
- green test gave me 500.

So just to be sure does this mean that the RR is not working right? Has anyone done this test before with similar results?...or am I way off here?


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Re: RR Testing Help

Here is an excellent troubleshooting guide by Mike Nixon.
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Re: RR Testing Help

thanks!....It turns out that the rotor is gone(only reading 1ohm between copper rings), which could most likely mean that the Regulator/Rectifier is also gone.

Now on too getting the rotor off!
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Re: RR Testing Help

The rotor is definitely bad but try the regulator. I had a shorted rotor and stator but the regulator was still good.
Be sure to measure the stator between each of the yellows (If I recall it was .8 ohms but check the book to be sure) AND from yellows to ground. There should be NO connection to ground.