So, in honor of those that have helped me, and the thoughtfulness of the members on this site...
I have a few minor, small things that I want to give back to you guys. TOOLS sent me a complete set of DOHC CB750 carbs. They are the same ones on my bike. Currently, the vacuum pucks do not operate, the bowls and jets were removed (he found a hammer big enough to gently remove the screws...) and they have been in some dirt. With that said, if you need a top, or a body, or a puck, or something small that you break such as a kidney from inside the top hat, I would be more than happy to send it to you. Let me know what you need, and I'll either remove it or send you it ala TOOLS mode - the entire thing, let you get 'er out.
I also have 4 10" spark plug wires. This is a rough estimate - I folded 'em in about half and cut 'em. This is what they are:

You will still need caps and boots as appropriate.
Additionally, I will ship these out on my dollar. However, I will need some time to ship 'em if you don't let me know in the next 24 hours what you need. This is simply because the parts will be staying in Holland, MI and I'm moving to Ann Arbor - 2.5 hours away. So I'm planning to come up every few weeks or so. If you need it more urgently, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?

Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.