Re: I need a new clutch

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Re: I need a new clutch


I would upgrade the springs.


On Jun 27, 2012 12:48 AM, "shinyribs [via Honda CB750'S]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
I cant complain.Between wheelies and holeshots,I pretty much asked for this.

So,what should I get and where?Who has the best prices? I have looked around some and Barnett seems to be the main choice.

Should I upgrade my springs? And will this cause a huge difference in lever pull?

As always,I'm wide open to all suggestions.Thanks.
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American by birth. Cowboy by choice! Vero Beach, FL
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Re: I need a new clutch

After some more research I have found many people who hate both the Barnett and the APE clutch. They complain of chatter,cold slipping,impossible to find neutral and real heavy lever pull. Several even mention that the clutches stack up height it wrong and they are having to order additional steels in order to correct the issue.

There are some reports of stock clutches with good springs handling 100 hp 836's with no problems.

I'm trying to reverse my order now.We'll see how this goes.