Re: Only One Week Left until our show! West Palm Beach Florida area......

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Re: Only One Week Left until our show! West Palm Beach Florida area......

That's absolutely awesome! I'm jealous for sure. I would have loved to go out there. Glad you had a blast! 

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 10:22 PM, MarkPBG [via Honda CB750'S] <[hidden email]> wrote:
The absolute coolest part of the track day was when it was our turn (the vintage bikes) to ride, all the full-leather wearing pro riders gathered on the wall to watch the old bikes go 'round. That my friends, is respect!
Mark Davis
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
amateur photographer, hot rodder, motorcyclist, adventurer
"Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul."

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Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?


Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.