Rear Sprocket suggestion

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Rear Sprocket suggestion

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Re: Rear Sprocket suggestion

On my 1982 CB750F I changed from a 46 rear to a 40. At 100kph I went from 5000rpm down to 4200. First gear is now like second, fourth is now like fifth. Still plenty of power to start off uphill, but have to slip the clutch a bit in slow traffic.
1982 CB750F
1978 Triumph Tiger 750
197? Yamaha DT175
197? Hodaka ACE 100
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Re: Rear Sprocket suggestion

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Re: Rear Sprocket suggestion

Make sure you both have the same number of teeth on the front sprocket before ordering that new rear, so you don't get any surprises! :) Overall ratio will be different if you two have different front gears for some odd reason.
Mark Davis
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
amateur photographer, hot rodder, motorcyclist, adventurer
"Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul."