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Rectifier to Rectifier - cb750 vs. xs650

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Rectifier to Rectifier - cb750 vs. xs650

130 posts
alright, so I'm working on a buddies bike basically overhauling his electrical system at the moment and i came across this thought.

the bike is a 79' xs650 special, the problem is the Rectifier (these have separate regulators and rectifiers) has a burnt up ground wire.  after searching i've discovered that most people just sell the conversion to replace both the Regulator and Rectifier into one component, much like on our bikes. But after looking at Electro Sports item for both our bikes and the XS it seems they are basically selling the same thing with a different plug cap for one or the other: http://www.electrosport.com/products/product-detail-581.php

After looking at both diagrams for a bit it also looks like they are wired pretty much, or close to, the same as my bike (82' cb750F). This peeked my curiosity because it just so happens i picked up a used R&R for cheap from a scrap yard in town back when i was trying to fix my charging system before i bought an outright new one for myself. (because i thought the used one was broke too, but it ended up just being my battery was fried as well as my stock R&R)

basically i am wondering can i change out the plugs on my used R&R and use it for his bike, instead of spending more money on basically the same part.

i've been using the 650 forums for this rebuild as well, but since this related to my bike i thought i'd post this here, i'll try not to cross contaminate my questions between bikes and forums. lol
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Re: Rectifier to Rectifier - cb750 vs. xs650

3494 posts
I don't see why you couldn't. The wiring might be a bit different so you will have to figure that out. The rr should also be able to handle at minimum, 15 amps. More would be better.

A rec is just that. It is not model specific. The regulator just need to control voltage and that should be about 14.5v.
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