Thought I would share it. This belongs to the son of a racing buddy of mine. John ( my buddy) is 69 years old. I knew he had two sons,never met either. I met the youngest today,Danny. He's 22!! It just blew my mind. I guess ol' John's still got it! Anyway,this guy is alright.Quiet and laidback ( just like his Pops) and a good builder,too. This is his first time fabricating anything at all! He only owned sport bikes before. The area we live in is 60% RUB's on H-D's,20% PawPaw's on Goldwing's and 20% idiots flying low to the ground on crotch rockets. Danny said he was tired of all that and wanted something different. I think he nailed it! I met him at the MDA car show while we were setting up our booth for the speed shop. I fell in love with the bike before I knew whose it was. It was really cool to find out he was a buddy. Well,we never met before,but you know how it is. A friend of a friend is a friend,ya know. I was outta there by 9 a.m. and the show didnt start til 5 p.m. and this thing was already stealing the show. You could tell he was super proud of all of the attention it was getting,but still was humble and cool about all the compliments he received, dozens of pictures being taken and answered every question with eagerness. This guy is having a blast with this bike today! He was like a celebrity. It was so cool to see this guy get the attention he deserved for all of his hard work. It was awesome and John was blown away. It was a good day today. He built the hard tail from scratch. He built the pipes from scratch. Bent his own bars. It has a cb550 rear hub laced to a dropped center harley rim. Rims powder coated white and he re-spoked the himself. He went thru the carbs and shimmed the clutch and got it all figured out and done by himself,with no previous knowledge of bike mechanics at all. After he got the tank mounts fabbed up he went to work on the tank. He sanded it down til he got sick of sanding and decided to work on cleaning out the inside of the tank. He accidentally spilled some muriatic acid on the outside of the tank and was afraid it would eat out the bondo that was exposed. He ran in the house and got some baking soda to throw on it,hoping to neutralize the acid. Then he started rinsing it off with the water hose. Thats when the streaks appeared. He thought it was a cool look,so he dried it off and shot clear over it. Awesome. Here it is. The coolest Yamaha XS650 I have ever seen. Built in two months time. Oh,he traded a tranny rebuild for the bike.