Didn't want to do this, but after setting the valves, replacing the alternator rotor and regulator and putting new tires on the Behemoth, the first fire up didn't go well.
I must have disturbed the carbs somehow because, when I turned on the fuel, all of the cross tubes started leaking. So I bit the bullet and pulled the carbs and separated them to replace the O-rings. BTW, if you're doing this, you only need to remove the choke valves on carbs 1 & 4 (OR 2&3), at least on the '79 & up. Figured this out after I had them apart.
Got the O-rings in and the bank reassembled, but the FSM says to toss the choke valve screws and replace with bolts and double retaining washer. Is this really necessary? I was just going to reuse the screws with some red locktite. Am I likely to have problems from vibration or gas dissolving the locktite or something else I haven't thought about?
Livin' my life like a song.
1985 Honda Rebel 250 - "Birdie"
1979 CB750K - "Behemoth"