Hold on,correction: I was not looking for HB on you tube,I just happen to stumble across a video that had a familiar name in the title.So I clicked on it. Once I heard his cherub-like singing I realized it had to be the Hellbilly

I like ya man,but I'm not stalking you!
Sigh,back to the work thing? You guys have no faith in me.Yes,I've been busy....
One set of zoomies for a chassis car.Pretty straight forward other than the humps for steering shaft clearance.The EGT bungs were time consuming.hate those things

One set of zoomie supports &frame tabs, installed and frame tube repainted

One rearend coupler scatter shield for a front engine dragster

One fuel system plumbed for the same FED. Also,several AL welding jobs on this car...$$$

In the past two weeks I completely emptied one 80 cu ft cylinder of argon thru the tig and am halfway thru another. Not to mention my regular day job,which is more of a part time job lately.Boo. But,here's my personal favorite. I was hanging out at the speed shop (complaining about work being slow)when I guy told me that he heard I work on motorcycles. "Well,not really,but I know a little bit". He had a '06 Yamaha that he thought needed a clutch. He said it slipped when he gassed it hard and it made a loud clicking sound when it slipped.

I told him I would look at it.I found this:

I put new sprockets and a chain on for the guy and picked up a few bucks.See? Sometimes you can make money even when you are just hanging out!
Wow,this turned from an American Idol thread to a "Shinyribs defends his work ethic" thread real fast