..with some old friends of mine, them on all new shiny Harleys, me on my trusty rusty Shadow, and we pull in for gas. At the first pump is a guy on a CB750. I go over to shake his hand, and it turns out he's just gassing the bike up for his buddy. He's wanting to sell it. It's a 1980 model K, with...
4200 miles on it.
It's pristine...beyond clean, no scratches, no dents, a engine you could eat off of. I asked how much he wants to get for it, he said he has no idea. I told him, in that kind of shape, he could get 2 large, easily.
2 minutes later, he takes off, and I got a little sentimental for my old 750L. That passed quickly enough, as I fired up my Shadow, and rejoined the ride.
Oh..I found out why Harley guys like to have Hondas at the rear of the pack. It's to pick up all the pieces that fall off of the classic Harleys.

Luke M
Used to have a 1979 CB750L, sold it as a parts bike, now riding a slightly modified 1984 VT700C. Network/Field Engineer. Central OH, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe.