Sputter and stops

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Sputter and stops

I am hoping that someone out there can help me out with my problem. I recently bought a 1975 HOnda CB750F Super Sport the previous owner obviously took very good care of it. He told me that he spent a great deal of money taking care of the carbs and also made sure that there was an inline fuel filter on it at all times. I did have to clean the gas tank of rust and crap when I got, which I don't feel is a big deal especially since there was a inline on it. I used a product called Kreem to do it.
My problem is that when I ride it it will run fine for about 3-4 miles and then start to sputter, backfire and then quit on me. I will shut everything down(petcock, ignition, engine stop/start) and wait 5 minutes and can get it to run with the choke but when I try to take the choke off it will quit again. Sometimes I can start it without the choke and it will run again fine for maybe another 1-2 miles and then we're back to sputtering.
I will say that it doesn't seem to like to go slow and seems to do better when I am running it at around 3000-3500 RPM's running it at around 2000 brings on the sputtering quicker. Going down steep hills that I have to use 1st for an extended period has the same effects.
Any ideas out there...am I just riding the bike wrong. I'm confused. I have some knowledge of engines but this is my first bike. Here are some pics to look at while you think. ;-)

p.s. The previous owner tells me its all original
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Re: Sputter and stops

I would clean the carbs. Even with the inline if the tank was bad most likely the carbs are too. It kinda sounds like a float needle is sticking and flooding out the carb. Best way to check is when it sputters if you shut the gas off does the sputering stop in a second or two. Otherwise it very well could be a whole host of carb issues most of which can be resovled by a careful detailed cleaning. Do it right once and you wont be like me and have to go back over what you miss the first time.