Starter motor not turning when bike is hot

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Starter motor not turning when bike is hot

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Re: Starter motor not turning when bike is hot

Electrical circuits encounter added resistance ( thus,voltage drop) when things get good and hot. Engines in general are harder to start when they are hot as well. The oil has thinned out , but all your tolerances have tightened. Combine those and you get what you have. Check your connections on your battery and starter cables. May just need a good cleaning.

I'd consider this an important issue. It'd be a bummer to stall at a light and not be able to restart. :(
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Re: Starter motor not turning when bike is hot

I was kinda thinking the same thing. I would definitely check the starter cables. I would look at any connections that also pick up engine heat.

It may also be time to pull the starter and clean it. I think the manual may detail starter dis-assembly.
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