Stock Blinker help...

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Stock Blinker help...

So i pulled the front apart to upgrade to progressive springs (replaced the rears also) now i'm hooking everything back up and of'course things start to give on me.At first the headlight wasn't coming on..hit the forum found that the switch was out of alignment, so bad connection fixed. Then right blinker was working left would just buzz at again then autozone for a new blinker relay (which also became a return trip to upgrade to a 30amp prong because i blew the fuse strip).

So i fixed the fuse and the relay and then right side works like a champ strong blink but the left side causes the blinker fuse on the tree to blow out but before it actually gives cause the front left side lamp to turn off and make the brake light and headlight flash instead. I pulled the headlight off double check that i matched all wires back together, tried again same outcome. So i tried reversing the front left blinker colors so now i have orange/stripe with orange and orange w/ orange strip. This fixed the issue and now everything is working...

So why is this happening and is this something safe to ride around with?

I stayed with a two prong relay (dot 552) and have a 30amp three prong holder w/ 30amp fuse wired to the original terminals for the strip fuse.

Thanks for any help with this.
82 CB750 SC  - Lincoln CA
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Re: Stock Blinker help...

As long as all of the lights are working, it should be good to ride (if you had wired something wrong, it would explode in a ball of fire -- no, not really, but something bad would happen, like blowing a fuse).  Be sure to perform a system check before each ride:  all lights must work properly, before you swing a leg over.

If you get the wires crossed/mis-connected, you can have all kinds of weird problems ('floating ground' connection most likely).  However, you cannot argue with success.  If it works, ride, and enjoy.

I replaced my fusible link with a 30-amp blade fuse, in a modern blade fuse holder.  I crimped on two round connectors, but I should have soldered the wires on top of crimping them.  Crimping is often poorly done, either bad technique, or a cheap crimping tool, which leads to poor connections, and intermittent problems later on.  Soldering is best, but also the least convenient, so I sometimes skip that step...  And pay for it later.  I think Tools installed a 30-amp circuit breaker, which means pushing a button if it opens, rather than installing a new fuse.  Either will work.  Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
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Re: Stock Blinker help...

All lights do work and blink as they should as well as the bike starts and indicators all light accordingly. It still boggles me  why now i have to swap the one set of blinker wires, its all original lighting so pretty was simple to plug matching connectors back together and match colors.

I also added round connectors for the conversion to 30 amp modern fuses, didn't think to solder them as well but should be easy enough task.

Thanks for the reply, weather is getting nice so don't want to miss out on some ride opportunities.
82 CB750 SC  - Lincoln CA