Hi Guys,
I've pretty much finished my build from over the winter. Here's a pic as a tease before I upload my build thread:

Now, last year before I started the body work I had done a thorough compression test and tune, carb cleaning, replaces the floats and had the bike running pretty well. It's always been a little hard to start cold which I know is tough for these bikes anyways. So after winter storage and an oil change and new 4-1 exhaust it was hard to get the 4th cylinder to kick in. The plug was black which is assume means it running rich from that carb. However, I just had the carbs done and everything was synced and fuel mix was even in all carbs. I checked the plug and cleaned it and no change.. I decided it must be that the 4th plug just wasn't running hot enough to eat up the fuel. So my local mechanic says to me, "Oh yeah I have an old Honda quad and those Honda engines get weaker as the years pass by. Here, take this step up/ hotter plug and call me in the morning."
Low and behold the bike starts perfectly and idles like a dream. Is it okay to leave this one plug hotter than the rest or am I asking for trouble? I've looked it up and it appears there's not much that can go wrong from doing this. Or should I upgrade to a hotter plug for the other cylinders too (although it's running perfect so I feel that I'd be upsetting the other cylinders)? My bike is not perfect, it's for pleasure riding and I've kind of accepted it won't be possible to get everything running top notch "by the book" and that these kinds of fixes may be necessary. My first thought was that the fuel mixture would need to be adjusted but I can't just adjust the #4 carb right? I have to keep them all the same?
- E.T.
"It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me."