Thank you all!
Between work, school, duties at home, and trying to get my 400 up and running, i havent been able to do too much on my 750. Guess its true that its easier to start a project than it is to finish it. Good news though! The 400 fired up for the first time in like a month and a half! I just hope that this weekend i can wrap it up and by next week, with the end of all my finals, i can start pulling apart the 750. I did get it from the salvage yard, and here are some pics:

Funny story about the night i dropped the bike off at my house. I left it outside in the front since i couldnt find my damn key for the gate! I walk out in the morning and the bike was tossed on the ground and dragged as if someone tried to steel it! hell it was hard enough to "roll" it between two people thanks to the flats and bent fenders and what not. Well anyways i learned my lesson and found that damn key
Heres another pic of the "look" im going for more or less:

the tank is from my 400 i tried setting on there to get an idea... I will probably be getting a stock tank and using it (watching a few on ebay) that is unless my buddy comes through with his connection to get a custom tank built for cheap. I just bought a z handlebar for the bike, along with some spoked rims (thank god for ebay!).
Real soon i will be tearing it apart, cleaning, taking inventory and putting it back together! Im too excited to even sleep at night!
1980 CB750C Mesa, Arizona