I decided it was a nice enough Saturday, and got the Shadow out of mothballs. I had used some SeaFoam in the gas tank, and emptied the tank on my wife's Metropolitan. I had the batteries on both bikes on a Battery Tender on alternate weeks, so both would benefit. I turned on the petcock on the Shadow, hit the switch to prime the fuel pump and carbs, pulled the choke, and cranked. About 15 seconds later, the engine fired. A little smoke from the exhaust, and a minute later, the RPM climbed as expected. A few quick trips around the block, and it runs just like it did when I put it in storage in November. Next, the Metro. Quick trip to the gas station for some fresh unleaded, put about a gallon in the tank, and cranked it. 30 seconds later, it started, and a minute later, it was running like a Swiss watch.
So, my wife and I did some laps around the block, not quite like CHiPS, but getting used to riding again. She was wanting to sell the Metro due to some balance issues in her inner ear, but now she's not so sure. I reminded her she doesn't _have_ to sell it: it's paid for, and if her balance improves, keep it.

The Shadow will get an oil change (Rotella T5 Synthetic, I think), maybe some new brake pads and shoes, and later this year, new tires. Gotta turn on the insurance again, too.
Luke M
Used to have a 1979 CB750L, sold it as a parts bike, now riding a slightly modified 1984 VT700C. Network/Field Engineer. Central OH, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe.