The process for replacing the throttle is fairly straight forward.It is a little clumsy dealing with the handle bar switch gear,but it not too bad if your 3-handed.
You will need to remove the tank to gain access,but you probably already knew that.When you open the handle bar switch,to remove that end of the cable,be careful not to pull on the wires too hard while trying to get things spread apart far enough to do what you got to do.And also be careful not to pinch those wires when closing it back up.If I made it sound complex,I apologize.Its really quite simple.Just be mindful of the wires in the switch gear and you'll be fine.
As far as sources I would start with or I have dealy with both of them with great results,one might have in stock what the other doesn't.Partsnmore has usually been a little cheper in the past for me.I just ordered a seal kit from PnM and it was $10 less than Vintage for the exact part