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So, I've decided I'm going to try taking a trip on the bike in a couple months. Yep, I do still live in the Ann Arbor area, yep, it was a cold ride to work this morning. I've ridden the bike quite often, typically when I realize that its not going to rain/snow during the day.
The bike does not rain. I got caught in a storm, and had to ride 15 miles home. With 1 mile left, it started to want to die while idling. As I got home and pulled into my driveway, it started to run rough. With the local bike mechanic suggesting I change out my coils (ignition is breaking up unless under hard throttle, and even then it does sometimes, just not as much) I suspect (hope?) this will go away. I understand that on a 10-day trip, there's a decent chance I'll get caught in some rain, somewhere. Also, going on a long trip such as this, I would rather not have a component that seems to be on its way out currently.
However, this thread isn't about mechanics - I already got a relatively dead one for that. This one is about planning this trip! Key notes:
-At best, its going to be 10 days - Dec. 22 - Dec. 31 or Jan. 1. I believe I have to work Jan. 2, but wouldn't mind being a half day's ride away to party with some not-local people.
-I will be attempting to NOT take highway during this ride. Ultimately, I feel that a ride of this caliber should be enjoyed on back roads. However, I am not scared to ride on the highway. I currently ride about 8 miles to work on the highway every day I get the opportunity, temperature not stopping me.
-I have a very warm jacket, and gloves that assist with keeping my fingers warm (but don't do well below 40 deg). Nothing for long underwear and nothing (yet) for my head/neck.
Current plans are to take care of a few small issues on the bike (petcock is plugged, so reservoir tank doesn't work, the coils issue, putting a cigarette lighter on the bike for phone charging) and need to know whereabouts I should head. Any tips? Any good rides that are within around 4, 5 days of riding from me? I expect to do between 6 - 10 hours of riding each day. I will be using Google Maps and selecting "Avoid Highways".
I am hoping this will be an epic awesome trip, and understand that this is best achieved when input from a variety of people is involved. So, who's got ideas?
tl;dr: I'm planning a 10-day trip, need your suggestions where to go...
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
Dang Bud  Ya couldn't have picked a colder tyme of the year ,but have road year round in Central Wisconsin (Stevens Point) and every were around the state and others, I don't need to tell ya your trapped between a couple Lil lakes,Ann Arbor that by thumb  , As I said done lots of riding and around thoughs Lil lakes that if wind is blowing off then you get snow depending how hard/long to how much,Long ways away to start anything north(your front yard)So I'd think south and myself only been on hwy N pike in that area,
But Lil knowledge on riding in cold,  Think like the snowmobile-rs is what I tell every-one that ask how I ride year-round,Long-Johns, wool lined pant, Chaps  way dumb OLe-way, Acrylic tights(keeps swet off),cotton sweat pants(absorbs swet& insulates)also can were any time ?,snowmobile bibs, laytex gloves & 3 finger gloves if you can find them,(try ski-gloves)bulky don't block hard wind( laytex will make hands swet so have something(bandanna)to wipe hands (before freeze when taking off outside),Those funky looking brush gaurds work great to cut wind N can be modded to hold Mitts(another story look it up).Frost bite on outter fingers best to keep them together(something to keep in mind)  Best of luck on foggy glasses/ shield
By the way if i was closer towards you I'd join ya  Once your moving your going to have a blast,    Have lots of tips I selve learned.   GOOD VEST also
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
Yep, I know. But its the only time I'll get 10 days off (with pay) without using my own vacation days. U of M goes into a shutdown period, and its considered holiday for all of us ITS employees.
I actually already have those VERY same gloves, at the advice of my dad! Got them from a snowmobile shop and everything. Also got a jacket with a removable liner, that has not let my chest/arms get cold yet. Even on the 30-deg. day I rode. I'm looking into helmet liners with built-in neck gators, so my neck and head will stay warm. Looking at something like:
http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=13193516&cp=4406646.4413874.4415119.16608716as well as
http://www.gator-skins.com/Gator_Skins_thermal_pants_p/gs002.htmto keep the legs warm. My feet haven't gotten cold, so my boots are keeping those warm - as long as I don't ride in rain. They did get super water-logged on that 16-mile ride. So I need to put some salve into them to get 'em water-resistant, at the least.
Alternatively, I'm going to raid an army surplus store next week to see what they have for cold stuff. I will definitely try the latex gloves trick, since right now my fingers still get cold in around 10 miles.
I was definitely planning to go South, but not sure if at some point I'll turn East or West. I've only got 5 days or so get away from home, then gotta turn around to head back. Though I do have some vacation days I could use to get myself a bit further, if its a "Dude, you're ONE DAY AWAY from super-awesome place".
I'm going to spend some time over the next few weekends getting the bike into a final tip-top shape, then start looking at how to carry all my clothes, tools, etc that I will need. Which reminds me-
What stuff do people recommend CARRYING with me? Tools, how many changes of clothes (won't be needing to change 'em every day, but don't want to wear the same shit for 10 days; you guys have more experience on a "you can get by on XX days with the same shirt, but change jeans this much, I'm sure).
I'm hoping to fill a small duffel bag, and just strap it down to the passenger seat, and go with that. I was never able to get the back rest that someone here sent me (the brackets are a good 3, 4 inches from the frame) but will try to get that to work again. That will allow me to strap things to that, instead of the seat. Or so I hope. May have my dad help me fabricate some sort of bracket to go between them. Or bend them so they fit. We'll see.
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
Also, with regards to brush guards, I wonder where I can get some that are made for the CB750? The Vetter I have has an SOHC frame so it doesn't work with my DOHC. So I can't use that. And now that the vetter is in storage, there's no chance its going on before my ride.
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
The hood N gator skins are great bit high price for my cheap"O" self,Ever think how a lady can stand wearing a dress in the cold  Pantie hoe's  that's what keep them legs warm,Easy rider once had an add for MAN-Noe-Hoe's That I boughed as a joke for my Uncle he still has them in a box in his fancy H.D. shop more like a museum.
Get the best ya can get $ shouldn't matter AT night it's just you N nature(I try not to ride at night while out from familiar ground.Then I camp most the time.
MO Stuff  I carry most all tools I use on the bike" in/on the bike" most all the time,You know the basic wrenches & drivers  Vise grips instead of pliers ,Don't forget Idiot light tester(ice pick type,extra bulb)works great a flashlight too.by the bring bring a few sizes of these(like 1 on key chain).
MO-stuff..  Just your keep warm stuff ,change of undeee's,pants & wool shirt,. Your going on a ride not fashion show with a date.Ya get your "T"shirts (change)at places / towns ya stop N stay Remembrance "T"  (great once yo home)Make all your souvenirs something you can use (on bike)these it's storys last forever,Like the time I bought this colemen.....
GAS..GAs..Gas.. your going to need something to caring at least a half gal witch is 15 mile or so,last on your mind you wont to worry about GAS,not taking hwy's (like me)not all Lil town have GAS.or GAS station closed at 5pm.These will be Liltowns that don't get night bizz but in bars N Cafe's,Out skirts of bigg citys/towns have the cheapest hotels,MOtel 6 is my go to place,ask for non smoking near office,Cause there up all night to watch your bike,They don't put smoking rooms by office because of messy butt's,lil secret.from using a lot.during rain.By the way stop in rain hide find anything to get out of it,Way to many problems can happen Bike,Others,Gear,best to wait out or if you have instance weather on phone may be able to go around OR ride threw in 15-20 min.Would be best time to do laundry
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
Maintain thy airspeed, lest the ground arise and smyte thee.
A mile of highway will take you one mile. A mile of runway will take you anywhere.
"O"  YES  Just talked to co worker  were closed those days also  ...HHHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...................................
 .........10hr's to indapol. according to my trucker chick..............hhmmmmmmmm..................$...
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
Ride in the direction that keeps the sun outta your eyes.
Thanks for the tip! Lol.
Piute, I could definitely meet you somewhere. Spoke to my dad some, recommended back roads South and highway back. If I do that, I could probably do a week South, 3 day riding back.
Mechanic shop gave me some recommendations on what to carry. Tire plugs, various tools and allen wrenches.
I am seriously looking forward to this trip! Just have to work out Christmas with the family...
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
shinyribs wrote
Ride in the direction that keeps the sun outta your eyes. 
 I'm always for that  But going north and south don't matter to much in mid west.
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
Be sure to switch to a full synthetic oil. A full synthetic will be much thinner, at cold temperatures, allowing the engine to turn over easier, reducing engine wear tremendously. I run Shell Rotella T6 Full Synthetic 5W-40. I run it in all of my engines, and my air compressor. In tropical Minnesota, my car sits outside all day long; after 5 PM, it turns over like it is 80 F, in July! It is inexpensive, at ~$21/gallon, at Wal-Mart. It is rated for M/C use by JASO, also SM, for cars. Many folks use it in their bikes, no issues.
With regards to the 12 Volt Power Outlet, pick one up at Wal-Mart, automotive accessories section, for less than $10. Mount it where you can find space. Wire it directly to the battery terminals, with an inline fuse, around 5 Amps, using 14 GA stranded wire. It should be connected through a relay, connected to a running light circuit, to switch it off, when the bike is off. The relay can be purchased where car horns are sold, at any auto parts store. Let me know if you need assistance in how to wire things up, or, better yet, ask someone local, who can assist you with it.
If you plan on using heated gear, you will need to install a sub-fuse block, available at any auto parts store. These should be wired the same way, with a relay switching it off when the bike is off. This will allow you to add several additional circuits, each with a separate fuse. Be sure to keep track of your total amperage through it, to be sure you don't draw more amps than your alternator can supply, in which case you will drain your battery, and be stranded in the middle of nowhere, with a completely dead battery. Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
""Mount it where you can find space. Wire it directly to the battery terminals, with an in-line fuse, around 5 Amps, using 14 GA stranded wire. "" It should be connected through a relay, connected to a running light circuit, ""
Lil lost here,1 wire Org.(left front winker/plugs into faring(my bike)Put a splitter there inside 1 to winker other to relay then wire to cigg lighter?) OR hot straight from batt.to -fuse to-relay to-cigg thingy.
Just getting ready to hook mine up again  But,Going to try your way,I never used it my way(on this bike)Witch just put charger end on Cigg.lighter (had build-in fuse,didn't know/remember amp's),Plugged in to batt plug thingy(on batt.)when needed.Threw in saddle bag.But messing with wires again this wk-end.Help appreciated.  Quick Question's  Why only 5amp.?Lets say ya have a half dead phone(mines a small cheap-o Verizon)How long do you think at 5amp would it take to get to full charge(while bike is running Of course)4-5hr's or lot less,At AC (home)2-3 hr's I know.
Have you used heated gear ? Thought about it once ,would the gloves fit inside leather gantlets if 1 size larger, ? My winter gear all got stolen(3finger & mitts).
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
I think I've been at least partial synthetic since I had the dealer do the oil change last Spring. I know I top it off with that T6 you mentioned - I bought a 5-quart jug and top it off whenever low. It doesn't smell like its burning, you don't see any residue anywhere, and you never see any smoke - but I have no drips and she does do the disappearing oil trick.
I agree, though, this stuff is AMAZING. I absolutely love it. Told the bike mechanic that I was going to go synthetic, and he approved as well. Said my bike is probably the oldest he'd trust with a full synthetic (that's up to debate, one which I don't want to have here :) ) but given that there's no opposition to it, I'm definitely going with it. No ticks, even when I start the bike in the morning getting ready to go to work.
Mechanic shop near me recommended that I do an oil change, even though I'm low on miles, since I don't know precisely how long my trip is going to be. However, I do know that I'm going a fair distance. Since my dad suggested the highway back, I'm curious as to how far I can make it on backroads alone. And, if Piute wants to meet up, I may just take highway to catch up, so I ensure I don't arrive late.
I am going to be planning some shorter jaunts to various places between now and mid-December, then start readying everything for the longer trip.
Piute, let me know if you need anything more from me to decide if you want to go. What city in Indiana are you timing yourself to? Indianapolis? That's a 6-hour drive for me, if I take backroads. Per Google Maps. I can definitely meet you there. That might actually work better, as then I can take Saturday early afternoon to do Christmas with the family, and then meet you that evening in Indianapolis and take off the next morning for our trip.
Alternatively, depending how far you are from Chicago, I have a friend that I haven't seen in a couple years that it'd make her day to go see - she's got some serious health issues, and can't make it to MI to see me ever. It would be a nice Christmas surprise to see her, and go South from Chicago. If that's closer to you, we could potentially meet her mid-day on the 22nd, bail by like 4 pm, and be out of the city by the time we're good to go down for the night.
Also, I am considering getting a Go-Pro for this trip. I have a need for one, anyways, based on the car and everything else. However, not knowing where we're going, or when we'll see awesome stuff, I'm not sure a helmet cam would be too helpful. But it would be fun to record some of the ride, and be able to share it with others. Hmm.
Maybe I can get a friend to lend me one for the trip.
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
By the way, I'd like to either resurrect my old thread, or start a new one regarding specific bike prep for this trip. Since its a different project, per say, does the general population here think it'll be a good thing to start a new one? It'd probably be nice to show what to do to prep a bike for a long trip, especially one when its cold and special considerations must be made.
Or, since its the same bike as I've already got a 20+ page on, just continue that one?
Planning to make soon. For now, its a couple phone calls to start planning Christmas, and then either clean the trailer or clean the overnight cob webs off the bike and do another 100+ mile trip today. Weatherman does say 0% chance of precipitation...
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
I explained it poorly. The accessory outlet should be connected directly to the battery, through a Relay, to allow it to be disconnected from the battery, when the bike is off. This prevents a phone charger from draining the battery, when the bike is off. Chargers will continue to drain current, even after the phone is fully charged.
I recommended using a Running Light, to supply switched power to the Relay, because the Relay draws little voltage, and current; the Running Light circuit won't be affected by the Relay's draw. This allows the Relay, and its circuits, to be safely controlled/turned off, with the bike's key. The easiest method is to use a vampire connector, or you can splice into it.
The reason I specified only 5 Amps, is that most chargers (phone, GPS, etc.) draw less than 2 Amps (charging these devices typically requires upwards of two hours to restore a near-dead battery). Bikes have small alternators, typically, with limited amps to spare for accessories. If you install a sub-fuse block, be sure to keep careful notes on how many amps you have to spare, and make sure you don't allow too many (most devices/circuits will not function simultaneously, so you can pad the block with more capacity than you have to spare, as long as they don't all function at the same time!). Again, if you install a sub-fuse block, a voltmeter connected directly to the battery is critical, to monitor your electrical system's health.
Electric heated clothes are beyond my experience. They can draw far more than 2 Amps. These devices require more care, and detective work, to ensure you don't kill you battery on the road. I would recommend pushing your charging system to only 80% of its max. capacity, to be safe. A margin for error, is a good thing.
There are some battery-operated clothes available, but I don't know much about them. Search the Internet for them, if interested. Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
I used the Rotella T6 Full Synthetic oil in my 1979 CB750K, for 10,000 miles, no issues. I put it into my 1965 Sears Air Compressor, no issues. I also used it in my 1975 Ford F100 truck (302 CI engine), 6,000+ miles, no issues. I would not worry about using it on older engines. Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
I agree, in that the benefits of synthetic far outweigh the benefits of conventional. I just topped off the oil tonight in the bike with T6, actually, and fully expect to continue using it. I am going to change the oil mid-December, as the trip nears in proximity. At that time, I will be buying a 5-quart jug from Wal-Mart, and that plus whatever I have left in the current 5-quart jug will go into a small quart thing for me to bring with me.
I am going to start another thread with regards to the stuff I'm doing to the bike to showcase what's getting done, and we can put together a list of stuff to do, bike-wise, that others can possibly use in the future.
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
I'll be following this thread . . . and the other.
About to park my bike for the winter and get it ready for an extended SUMMER trip. Extended means end June to end August -- I'm looking at a sabbatical and going to rest and recuperate on a slow cross-Canada ride west to mid-Aug, then a fast return home.
"The thing about quotes on the Internet is you cannot confirm their validity" - Abraham Lincoln
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." - Winston S. Churchill
Most motorcyclists live more in five minutes than other people do in their entire lives.
when you mix religion with politics you get politics
people say I'm condescending (that means I talk down to people)
Sounds pretty cool -also a little cold...
I'll be skipping town at some point for Christmas, but if you're coming to Chicago it'd be cool to meet up.
You can even crash at my place if you need to (or use the garage for any troubleshooting)
Keep me posted with your plans and I'll see if I can figure out my schedule.
 Oh boy, a road trip would be right on the spot about now, how long to get my passport(Doh been putting that off), I have the $ and the time and winter is closing in. I would love to hit the old Route1 and head south, stay tuned maybe tomorrow i will get my papers....
most motorcycle problems are caused by the nut that connects the handelbars to the saddle.
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