Okay, So here's the vacuum cylinder:

The needle is loose. They were all like that, so I'm assuming that's how it's supposed to be? (Never rebuilt a carb before)
Here's the view from the top down. That's the needle set screw inside there. I can't get it out. It will screw down approx 1/4 turn to tighten, but it won't back out at all.

Here's a good view of the corrosion on the overflow in the float bowl:

You can see that it's not too dirty in the float. Not spotless either. It was worse on Sunday. There was oily, sticky black residue all around the edge.
This is the needle holder pulled out of the needle jet:

It's got that dull patina on it. That little bit on the right end of it is the secondary main jet according to the honda manual. It's slotted on the end so you can apparently unscrew it from the needle holder. These two parts are completely fused.
And down in the lower hole, below the slow jet plug, is the primary nozzle.

This piece is also hopelessly stuck. You can't see it in the picture, but it's not clogged or anything.
So basically my question is, can I just clean these piece that are stuck in place? do they need to come out? Also, inspecting the #1 carb a little closer (the one in the pictures) I realized that even with the float all the way up, it doesn't push on the float valve at all. This would explain my gas leak and why it was running so rich. When the rebuild kits get here, I guess I'll adjust that float. I don't have a float gauge... is there any reason I can't use a speed square for this? Any advice on adjusting the floats on these?