Unfortunetly For Sale 81 CB 750k

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Unfortunetly For Sale 81 CB 750k

I have to let my bike go to someone with 1500 obo
new friction and plain plates for the clutch
new clutch cable
battleax tires with PLENTY of life left in them
CUSTOM first timer paint job on the side panels and gas tank(really bad paint job lol)
both sprockets and chain all have under 300 miles on them

im pretty sure the carbs arent all synchronized
Missing a couple of fasteners(two bolts on the left engine guard, two nuts for the speedo and tach mount,one seat bolt)
Seat is pretty "used"
57000 miles
I'm in Sacramento CA anywhere close to this i dont mind meeting half way or something.

Honda: 1981 CB750k (non-op)
Mostly stock.
Kawasaki:1984 gpz 550(daily)
A/M exhaust 4-1, stage two carburettor jets