I love the look of smoked taillights and I recently purchased a set of smoked cat eye lights, but didnt care for the light itself. So, this sent me on search for a way to tint my existing signals. I have tinted taillights in the past but used automotive clear coat mixed with black paint. I dont have access to any of my paint equipment so I searched and found a product by VHT called "Night Shades" which is a sprayable tint.
I purchased a can, at $11 it was a little pricey considering my lights a tiny and it wont take much to tint them. Anyways, I sprayed one of my old signals with two very light coats just to get an idea and see if the stuff worked. This is what I ended up with:

I think it did a pretty good job! When I do my actual signals I plan to shoot some clear on top to help protect the finish.
If anybody's interested I found the stuff on amazon and it worked great. Just wanted to give my review and pass on the word