Here's another dipshit…..
Ok, 1 question for you dumbass seller…If every part is "LITERALLY new or restored" why do you say
that a. Only the top end of the motor is rebuilt. (I guess the bottom end has low enough mileage to still
be "new" huh?) and b. Why will it need a clutch soon, if it's either LITERALLY new or restored?, and c. Left the ignition the way it was, points work fine. (so, the points are new, or you didn't touch them because they work…that's not LITERALLY everything new or restored now, is it?) and last, d. front wheel has a slight "hop". What, you fully restored a bike and couldn't get the wheel issue sorted out?
Dumbass number 2
Don't even bother buying from idiots like this.
I hate to do it....but here she is. My freshly frame off restored, 1971 cb750.
LITERALLY every part is new or restored.
The most notable parts are:
New stainless steel spokes and nipples
Rebuilt top end of motor
The Kerker 4-1 exhaust.
Tires & tubes.
And soooooo much more.
Ive put 250 miles on it since restored.
I spent a lot more than this to get it the way it is now...I just have too many projets now and need to let something go.
Bike runs and rides it will need a clutch soon, front wheel has slight hop and just needs to be adjusted.
Things you could do to make it 100%
Update ignition system and get new coils with it. I left it the way it was, points work fine.
Cash money for trade for a newer bike...a powerful supermoto, or 1000cc sport bike.
Call or text 352-22two-84five5
Mark Davis
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
amateur photographer, hot rodder, motorcyclist, adventurer
"Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul."