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Weatherproofing Electrical Connections

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Weatherproofing Electrical Connections

331 posts
Has anyone here heard of Stabilant 22A for electrical connectors?  It's supposed to be a good electrical connector weatherproofer.
78 CB750F3 Super Sport
Austin, TX
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Re: Weatherproofing Electrical Connections

3494 posts
I guess I haven't but there are probably lots of brands of dielectric grease sold. As long as it is safe for plastic, you are probably fine.
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Re: Weatherproofing Electrical Connections

331 posts
It's not a dielectric grease and its used by all kinds of electric manufacturers and builders one of which dumped dielectric grease for it was Ferrari.  They have some pretty tall claims about it.  I'm going to see if I can get some and check it out.
78 CB750F3 Super Sport
Austin, TX