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I call it the loop.
Basically, visiting 2 towns here in N. West Virginia.
1st leg, Terra Alta to Aurora and Rt 50, winding open roads thru the valley.
http://www.mapquest.com/maps?city=Aurora&state=WVThen it's Aroura to Rowelsberg via Rt 50.
Finished up with maybe 10 miles of backroad twisties,
Rowelsberg to Terra Alta, via Salt Flat Road.
  Over the tracks, left and it's open road.
     till you hit Rt 50 at DonnaJeans restaurant.
Go left, you end up in Ocean City Md., go right and you end up at the Pacific Ocean.

On the skirts of Rowelsberg, still kinda out there in no mans land,
is Cool Springs Park. A good place to get a bite, fuel up and take a break.
  effin' thieves........
a few shots of the park.....
    black and orange is big around here........
 but hey, enough is enough, around the bend, off 50 and on to Rt 72
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Did some work in this bar a few weeks ago, checked in to see how things are going.
A few guys from New Jersey just bought the place, Thursday night ladies night, they kill 'em.
 stopped for a final view on a mountaintop close to the house,
losing light I headed for home.
  Rode hard and put away wet, bike ran great.
 anyways, apologizes for the long rant guys, just couldn't help it
Apologize?... For what!?! Enjoyed every photo, every word. Thanks for sharing!
We started out for Virginia, a few years ago, on our Voyager. Second day out, we had to stop, and turn around, due to a family emergency. Started back, a few days later, in the car (takes us too long on the bike, as we lolly-gag when on any bike). Rode through West Virginia, on a state highway, forget the number. It was amazingly beautiful, but it was also one, 15-20 MPH curve, every 500 feet, for 60, damn long, miles!!! Nearly had a head-on every 10 curves -- had been wondering why so damn many crosses indicating fatal crashes along the mountainside, then we realized the mountain-side shoulder was all of 6" wide, and the other side was only a foot, with a very steep, and deep, drop off! We hated it, in spite of the beauty. We will never go that route again, or any other non-Interstate route, through West Virginia -- too slow, and too dangerous. It was pretty, but the price for viewing was steep -- the driver could not look away for more than 1/2-second, or there might have been a brand new cross going up on the mountainside...
No matter where we ride, the scenery is everything. You cannot enjoy it in any type of car, the way you can on a bike. The two go together as one. Enjoyed your ride tremendously. Also enjoyed the vintage bike you made it on. They're old, but they're still working perfectly, and that speaks volumes to me. Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
No fair weather rider here ,  Seeing others out enjoying there bike is what it's all about and pictures were great besides the sleepy side one's  (nice School),This time of year and Fall is great for some great shot but as you said leaves can be N are slick. Look forward to your next run.
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
Great ride report and beautiful pictures (or great pictures of a beautiful area). I was reading this on my smart phone at work and couldn't wait to get home tonight to check out the pictures on the PC. Great stuff man. Post anytime. That second bar (the one the guys from Jersey bought) looks like my house. LOL.
I love riding the back roads (who am I kidding, all the roads here are back roads) and checking out the small towns.
89 VN 750A - Given to son-in-law
79 CB 750K-sold 3 May 21
78 CB 750K
77 CB 750K
77 GL 1000 x 2
77 CB 550F
Holton, KS, US
Awesome! I loved the pics man,Thanks for taking the time to post this. I'll be looking forward to the next installment.
I wonder if Tracey said 'yes'?
hey thanks for the kind words guys.
yes, the roads are tricky here.
even some of the natives get carsick now and then.
About Tracy, I wonder what she said also, looks like he had it bad  Anyways, I'm hoping to check this place out before winter sets in.
Took this shot from my front lawn.
Maybe twice the distance past Rt 50 and Aurora, is some kind of mountain.
I hear people live up there, there's roads to the top.
The view has got to be great.
 maybe this weekend.........later guys
What a ride!
Thanks for all of the great photos WOW!!! Beautiful.
On a Roadstar Adventure.
Great story, great pics! That's the way to document a good ride. I bet it took a bit longer to complete with you pulling over for pictures and stuff, but that's just part of the fun.
All are welcome to do the same. Doesn't have to be all professionally photographed and stuff, just map out the route, show the pictures, describe it a bit, and move on to the next place.
Looking forward to the next one.
Luke M
Used to have a 1979 CB750L, sold it as a parts bike, now riding a slightly modified 1984 VT700C. Network/Field Engineer. Central OH, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe.
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You got it Luke.
Sure, it takes a bit of time.
Sometimes you gotta backtrack when you see something interesting,
it can be a hassle.
But you also see things a bit more up close.
Good to see these bikes out on the road! You even inspired me to make my own ride post
Question: do you know who makes the exhaust you have on your bike? I think I have the same one and would love to know what it is.
p.s. The regular gas here is the same price as your "supreme"
Havn't looked Half-Caf.
I think I'm the 3rd owner, 2nd rider, of this bike.
The 2nd guy kinda tore it down before putting it on the road,
was gonna cafe' it, but just never got it together.
A friend of mine got it on consignment,
had to find an airbox (it had pods on it), rear caliper and pipe
to get it going. I'll ask him the next time I see him.
I know one thing, it sounds sweet.
So thats what John Denver was talking about.
78 CB750F3 Super Sport
Austin, TX
inspirational. we have a couple more good days of weather left here in Denver, i may go in search of some twisties my self, THANKS
1980 CB750C bobber? style
1979 CB750F SS stock resto project