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Whistle while you ride...

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Whistle while you ride...

dave Esch
184 posts
So I am out riding yesterday and I hear a high pitched whistle. I can only hear it when I am at a steady throttle and cruising, and as soon as I let off the throttle it goes away. It isn't loud, but it is present and I don't (knock on wood) have any problems with the bike. Is this a normal intake noise?
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Re: Whistle while you ride...

3494 posts
I hear something like that but it is more of a howl when at constant throttle. I would bet it is just intake noise in the airbox.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: Whistle while you ride...

dave Esch
184 posts
Probably right. I figured it was an intake air noise. I am a Honda tech but I work on cars. Usually this type of noise can be attributed to a leaking intake plenum gasket. I wasn't sure if this was true for the bikes as well.
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Re: Whistle while you ride...

3494 posts
Well we dont have plenums but spray some carb cleaner around the boots and listen for idle changes if it sounds odd to you. You are the one hearing your bike so you will know the sounds best. Does it seem to happen somewhere between 50 - 65 or so?
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: Whistle while you ride...

dave Esch
184 posts
Exactly re-run. Cruising at 50-55 is when I hear here it. Consistently. Steady throttle.