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air box

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air box

76 cb
1 post
do i need to re jet the carbs if i put on cone air filters. just wondering cause the factory air box is a big pain to put back in.
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Re: air box

8 posts
If you are not changing the exhaust you should be fine. Some of the older 750's came with 120 jets which is fine for what you are doing.
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Re: air box

3494 posts
In reply to this post by 76 cb
Plain answer is yes you will. If your carbs are stock, they have a 105 main jet and that will just not do on pods.
There is no easy answer though for what jet you need. Be prepared to spend money on jets. You will probably want to start at 120 mains but you may also need to increase the idle jets too. All depends on your bike. I know people that went into the 130s.
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